Statuary Gilding: Ancient Bronze Buddha

24k Gold Leaf with antiquing glaze on an ancient Nepalese Buddha statue estimated to be 600+ years old.

Buddha statues are often gilded to symbolize the radiance, purity, and transcendence of enlightenment. The use of gold, with its lustrous and incorruptible quality, reflects the spiritual brilliance and sacredness associated with the Buddha's teachings. Gilding statues is also an act of devotion, signifying the offering of something precious to honor the Buddha and his path. In many Buddhist cultures, gold represents the ultimate truth and the highest spiritual values, serving as a reminder of the luminous nature of wisdom and compassion. The practice of gilding also enhances the visual and symbolic impact of the statue, inspiring reverence and mindfulness in those who encounter it in temples and sacred spaces.

After Gilding

After Applying Antiquing Glaze


Statuary Gilding: Virgin Mary Bust


Gilded Basket